Saturday, June 8, 2013

Proverbs and Amenemope

So even Solomon, in his immense wisdom, may likely have been influenced by the wisdom literature available to him as he composed his wisdom work Proverbs.   The Egyptian wisdom collection called The Instruction of Amenemope, written several hundred years before Solomon's birth, contains some similar phrases and notes of wisdom.  Now, as a new Christian or Bible college student, I would likely have been shocked by this.  How can that be?  Does this cast a shadow over the divine inspiration of Biblical books like Proverbs?  Well, even though knowledge of this may give rise to Bible critics and their theories, I maintain that Solomon would have been, as a literate leader, well versed in any available literature and if he found The Instruction of Amenemope helpful to his compilation, I am not offended.  In fact, I may be strengthened in my faith knowing that Solomon knew the importance of being well-read as well as well grounded in his relationship to God as his father David was.

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