Monday, July 1, 2013

A Stand-out Proverb

I am reading Proverbs a bit differently now as I'm being exposed to ancient poetry styles and grouping similar themed verses together topically.  Its like having some new lenses to view the Scriptures from.  There are many verses that can be paired up and arranged together, however, there is one particular verse of interest that seems to stand alone: Proverbs 16:6.  Although it ends with the recurring idea of 'the fear of the Lord' and the benefits therein, its a bit of a stand out phrase.  It struck me because it speaks of getting sin removed and paid for way in advance of Jesus Christ's ministry.  Here there is no mention of either animal sacrifices nor ritual cleansing.  The word in Hebrew for atoned gives the idea of a protective covering over something.  Its only used once in Proverbs so it tends to stand out to me.  I'm now excited to study this concept through...

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