Thursday, July 18, 2013

Fasting for Spiritual Growth

On day 4 now of the 'Daniel Fast' where the diet is attempting to follow the food requested by Daniel back in Babylon.  His actions seem to be in line with Proverbs 23:1-3 where there is a warning about fine food and a mixed motive ruler:  "When you sit to dine with a ruler,  note well what[a] is before you, and put a knife to your throat if you are given to gluttony.  Do not crave his delicacies, for that food is deceptive."  Daniel and his associates, fellow Jewish exiles taken captive from their home in Judah in the 580's B.C., were striving to honor God with their food and diet (Daniel 1:6-16).  This may have seemed crazy for the Babylonians for them to desire fruits & vegetables rather than choice meats and sweets and simple water over fine wines.  So, my wife and I took on this similar fast to honor God and grow in our faith and trust.  Even though going without coffee is really tough, it feels great to sacrifice even in small ways to give God glory.  As Proverbs reads, I think many of us lean toward gluttony and crave the sweet stuff and the tasty, decadent food (2005, Waltke, NICOT, 239).  Rather than simply being satisfied with what we need, we crave and desire more and better.  May God help us embrace moderation with more diligence!

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